A habit can take a while to kick in but it looks like re-cycling has definately kicked in here in our town!
A year ago when Penny, our dog, first joined our family, our walks used to be eventful in many ways. One being the dreaded wheelie rubbish bins! She was terrified of them! Often they were loaded to the brimful and impossible to close the lids down on them. There were also, around many of them, lots of surplus rubbish in black plastic rubbish sacks, fluttering in the breeze. Now to a small puppy these were monsters to be feared, you never knew when they might jump out at a young pup! :)
One year on and all is very different! Our walks are peaceful now! On Wheelie bin collection day the bins remain tightly shut and no surplus rubbish sacks hang around on street corners to frighten a young innocent pup. On re-cycling days most folk leave out their boxes of cans and bottles and bags of cardboard, papers and plastic bottles.
Yes a definate success story!
Have they imposed a rubbish limit then? They did that round here about 2 years ago - if your bin doesn't shut properly it won't be emptied and if somebody does it repeatedly, they get a fine. I don't know why there were so many overspilling bins because even though I have to put a bag of medical waste in mine every other day and it's only collected once a fortnight, it's very rarely full.
It's been talked about, not sure if they have imposed it yet, possibly the fear of that happening has done the trick.
You are obviously re-cycling as much as possible as well! Our bin is emptied every week and often it is only 1/4 full! Not sure about everyone elses!
Anyway Penny is very happy about it all!
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